Thank you, it was a wonderful 12 years.
Like a child recognizing themselves in the mirror for the first time, a portrait is a revolutionary way of seeing and experiencing oneself. Whole histories and a rainbow of emotions can unfold from a single photograph. Time is allowed to stand still. My work was never simply about pressing the shutter and taking a pretty picture. It's about imprinting the honest emotion and energy of any given moment and giving it life for years to come.
I launched Maki Fotos in 2008 and ten-ish years after running a one-woman business heavy burnout set in and I wanted to pivot. I felt clueless as to what was even out there for someone with an extensive entrepreneurial background like myself. Fast forward to a couple years later when we were faced with the dreaded world situation and in one fell swoop the decision ended up being made for me anyways. The pandemic gave me the push to make some very important decisions and 2020 marked the year Maki Fotos officially closed it’s business doors. It was bittersweet of course but it was a wild ride and I have nothing but immense gratitude for everyone that supported me in becoming successful! My photo/art practice and I are in transition and it’s exciting to think about what the future holds for me creatively and career-wise (I have since found a rewarding career in telehealth!). The journey is not over though, this is just the next chapter. My hope is that sometime in the future I’ll be ready to present some of the mixed media art I’ve been dabbling in. From time to time I may even present a gallery of the bit of photography I do here and there ;). Until then may you all follow your hearts to whatever makes you happy! Below is a snapshot of the body of work all you amazing folks who crossed my path helped me to create. Enjoy, and never stop creating!!